With Recently launch 20 MP Share your story instantly --With NEW Live Streaming function(Only available on Apple iOS). Stream worldwide via Facebook and YouTube, share all your fun activities and extreme sports with the EKEN H9R action camera.
Built-in HDMI output—Edit and share your sports action camera actions as soon as it’s recorded with the App EZ iCam. HDMI output is supported, which means you can preview videos or see real-time display on the TV with a HDMI cable.
Waterproof housing up to 100 feet—The waterproof case of action camera is designed to withstand extreme environments and conditions. This helmet camera is wearable and mountable: enables immersive capture during your favorite activities like, surfing, diving, snorkeling, biking, and driving.
Weight- 0.802kg
Length- 5.9cm
Width- 2.46cm
Height- 4.11cm
2 inch LCD FULL HD Display—High quality display for video or photo playback. Get the full spectrum of the features with easy setting adjustments, you can do it all on your 4K waterproof action camera
FREE ACTION CAMERA ACCESSORIES: This underwater camera comes , 1 rechargeable 1050mAh batteries, and 14 action camera accessories; the mounts are compatible with most action cameras
NB: This camera does not have WIFI connectivity.